Aparna Bidasaria
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Aparna Bidasaria completed her 2006 – MA (Drawing & Painting), DAVV, Indore (2006) and BFA (Fine Arts) SOFA – IPS Academy, Indore (2011). The artist says: “The Banyan became my way of trying to know myself. To give form to my abstract feelings. Metaphorically the Banyan signified to me a dance of life and time. It questions all of our preconceived notions – The bargad that, which is only a creeper- becomes a tree, its roots fall from the branches to reach out to earth, its branches merge to form other trees. Left to its own devices, a Bargad spreads across eons of time and acres of space, personifying the majesty and power of nature. Yet, there is gentleness in it. Its graceful sprawl invites you to swing on its roots, to rest in its shade, to enjoy the cool breeze of its leaves. “Pointillism came in my work with the Banyan…. The multiple layering of colors gives a depth and richness to the different tones that emerge as one distances one’s self from the canvas. And as I go from one layer to another, as forms emerge, as colors change, my restlessness increases but the energy I feel now is different from the restlessness of those years before I had started to paint, especially the banyan, which still holds me under its spell. And so it continues to be my muse or am I ‘its’ muse?” The artist lives and works in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.